Attracting the Right Candidates in 2023: A Need-to-Know Guide

Zonnie Burton
Zonnie Burton
Modern office - how to attract candidates

The job market has always been fluid and ever-changing, but 2023 marks a significant shift. The recovery from Covid for many businesses has been amazing. But with high inflation rates and higher interest rates being introduced, many businesses are worried about hiring incorrectly in these uncertain times. 

An Overview of the Current Job Market


In 2023 the job market carries on a turbulent trend. Many businesses are still seeing a strong recovery from the Covid pandemic, starting to get back to normality and, in some cases, recording record profits, whilst others are looking at inflation and interest rates and thinking about what the future holds. 

For candidates, there is no better time to move. The Financial Times recently reported that the job market is still hot, and unemployment is near record lows. This means businesses must offer inflation-busting wage rises to attract the right candidates. 

Whatever your situation as a business, having the right person in the right position can help make the good times even better and the tough times a little easier. 


How to Review Your Employee Benefits Offering


When attracting the right candidate for your business, your benefits offering could be the thing that sets you apart from other potential suitors. 

Look at how your benefits stack up

Take an honest assessment of how you compare with your competitors. Are they offering something you don’t? If you are feeling you are behind, you need to look at the way you can become the leader in your industry for benefits. 

Ask your employees

Getting honest feedback from your current employees is the best way to assess your benefits. Your star benefit that might seem great on paper might not been used and could be costing you. If your current employees want a certain benefit, prospective employees may want the same. 

Are you Flexible?

Since the Covid pandemic, employees’ outlooks have changed. They are looking to be treated as individuals more and want an employer who is considerate and flexible. This doesn’t always mean hybrid working, it could mean allowing a worker to come in later so they can do the school run. 

Investing in your employees

Do you invest in your employee’s growth? By showing how you can help prospective hires grow as an individual, you will show how you can help them progress their career. 


What doesn’t work for hiring  in 2023


Whether you are writing a job ad or speaking to a candidate in an interview, there are a few things that you need to consider. 

The job market is candidate led, with top talent also being spoilt for choice when it comes to applying for a new role. These candidates don’t want to feel like another cog in the machine. The interview process needs to be managed in a way that that doesn’t leave candidates feeling like they are being played against one another, but speed will need to be of the essence to secure the best talent on the market.

The work-life balance is a word thrown around a lot at the moment. Still, you must understand that a candidate is taking time out of their lives to have an interview, so showing small flexibility can help create a positive interaction with the candidates. 

Previous generations might have felt that the employer held the cards. Now, with a competitive job market with an increased focus on the employee, more and more companies need to become self-aware about their offering. Today’s professionals expect an attractive package, which is not always about pay. Being an attractive employer means attracting and retaining top talent for longer. 

If you are looking for advice on how to take the next step in your employment strategy or have a role that you need help finding the best candidate for, our team is ready and willing to help. Call us on 01242 505 400 or email us at, and a specialist member of our team will get back to you. 

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