How to write a cover letter to a recruitment agency

Writing a cover letter to a recruitment agency requires a different approach to that of writing a cover letter for a job application. But it is an important part of the job-hunting process and shouldn’t be overlooked. In this blog we give you 8 top tips on how to write a cover letter to a recruitment agency.
Why write a cover letter to a recruitment agency?
Job-seekers generally write a cover letter to a recruitment agency when they are looking to move job roles. They will usually be responding to a recruitment agency job advert or sending a cold cover letter, speculatively approaching an employer to seek out opportunities that have not been advertised.
If you write a cover letter to a recruitment agency responding to an agency job advert, make sure you tailor your letter to the advert. Gear the letter to show how you meet the job specifications and how your experience and qualifications show that you are suitable for the role.
If you write a cover letter speculatively, then keep in mind that recruitment agencies are often inundated with unsolicited CVs and cover letters. You need to make sure yours is the one that stands out and gets read.
How to make sure your speculative cover letter stands out
1. Keep it short and sharp
Recruitment agencies are fast-paced environments which means recruiters won’t have much time to dedicate to reading unsolicited cover letters. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. The golden rule is to keep it short – no more than half a page – and sharp – get your main points across in the first two sentences.
2. Narrow your focus
Even though you may be applying speculatively, don’t be too broad. It’s much easier for a recruiter to place someone who has specific expertise and experience that relates directly to a job vacancy they need to fill. And if you can highlight this in the first paragraph then your letter has got a good chance of being read.
3. Start with a killer intro
Think about how many unsolicited covering letters a recruitment consultant gets sent every day. To stand a chance of being read, yours has to sell you and your suitability from the outset. If you’ve been given a referral from someone, mention that in the first sentence – it shows that you are likely to be a trustworthy candidate and the personal connection can be a good selling point.
4. Pinpoint your expertise
Don’t do waffle – the recruiter will spend around 5 seconds on your opening sentence so if you don’t excite them in that time, chances are they won’t read on. You may have just the right skills they are looking for, but if these are buried in the second half of your recruitment letter, these skills become worthless.
5. Honesty is the best policy
We’ve all watched ‘The Apprentice’ Interviews – it NEVER pays to lie in your application process! Be honest with your skillset, your position in the company and your next career goal. Similarly, don’t oversell your qualifications or any training you’ve had.
6. Highlight your successes
Don’t just list your skills and qualifications – talk about how you’ve achieved success in your current or previous positions. Share quantifiable achievements that showcase your ability to deliver results. These examples help recruitment agencies understand your potential value to their clients.
7. Write in proper business speak
Txt talk this isnt lol! You might have forgotten how to use punctuation and grammar with your mates, but when it comes to writing a cover letter to a recruitment agency, old school rules apply. That means being coherent in what you say and how you say it. Keep the writing concise but fluid, and don’t forget to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
8. Don’t forget the details
In your final proofread, make sure you’ve included all of your contact information and that it is correct. Finish on a positive note – reiterate your enthusiasm for working with the agency and express your hope for a successful collaboration. Indicate your availability for further discussion.
Need more help on writing a cover letter to a recruitment agency?
At RE Recruitment, we’ve got lots of info and advice on helping job seekers with their next move. We understand that writing a cover letter can be a daunting task, so we’ve provided guidance on how to prepare a covering video as well as a covering letter.
If you need any more help with how to write a cover letter to a recruitment agency, then please do get in touch. One of our team will be happy to take you through the steps.