What are the benefits of being a Recruitment Consultant?

Zonnie Burton
Zonnie Burton

According to The Telegraph, being a corporate recruiter is the most rewarding job in terms of satisfaction and earning potential.

We are growing at RE Recruitment, and we are currently hiring across all our divisions* and UK locations**.  Head of Professional Services, Chris Rooum, shares his thoughts on the most satisfying aspects of the role of a recruiter.

Recruiting Can Change a Business

Recruiting is like overseeing transfers in football. Land the best striker, and you’ll lead your team to glory. Place the best candidate, and you could change a business forever. Talent is at the centre of driving any business to success.  The right person could lead to a surge in sales, expansions, a new product, or they might climb the ladder to the top of the business. One simple placement could have a domino effect of positive influence on a company.

Talent is at the heart of any business. As a recruiter, you get to help shape the companies of today and tomorrow with each people you help and every role you fill. If you hire someone for your client who goes on to become a fantastic employee, your client is going to be really grateful, and let’s face it, there’s no denying that’s a good feeling.

Internships and Apprenticeships

You might be finding it difficult to gain a permanent or long-term role, if so internships and apprenticeships will offer a solution.  You can earn money and that much-needed experience as well as build a useful network of contacts.  You never know, you just might get a permanent position out of it.

Although a competitive application process might be involved, especially at larger companies, Internships are impressive signposts on your CV and will set you apart from the rest.  Peruse the websites of companies you’re interested in working with as they might have formal internship schemes, or you could speculatively apply to SMEs who don’t often advertise opportunities.

Apprenticeships offer employment whilst studying for formal qualifications specific to a profession over a longer-term, usually over 1-4 years.  A worthwhile commitment if you’re guaranteed a job after completing the programme, and even if not, you can take the valuable skills you’ve gained to another employer.

At RE Recruitment, we offer both opportunities and have an established career pathway supported by tailored training.  Effective support is vital when you’re looking for these schemes, so make sure you investigate what is on offer.

Change Lives

Some say, it’s not what you know it’s who you know, and when you’re starting out with little experience, your network becomes important – a recommendation from a personal contact can get your foot in the

As a recruiter, you play an essential role in this process as your job is to source the perfect candidate for each job. Assisting people with finding the right job for them can sometimes be a part of fundamentally changing their life for the better.

On an emotional level, this is satisfying for both parties, and over time, this will help you to become an even better recruiter as you will work towards those movements of excitement and commitment to excellence.

Every Day’s a School Day

Recruitment is a team effort. Joining a recruitment firm means joining a team of experienced and talented individuals who will help you grow, teach you new skills, and push you to new and exciting heights. Plus, you get the opportunity to visit incredible businesses and speak with business leaders that you may struggle to get an audience with in other industries.

The Thrill of Success

“Follow Your Dream”, “Dream Big”, “Aim High” are all quotes we’ve seen embraced in wooden frames and Celebrate the regular feeling when you place talented candidates in their dream jobs. Recruitment is competitive in ways other jobs are not. It will push you to win and win often.  Although there are highs and lows you cannot beat the feeling of success when you leave work after making a placement.

Financial Rewards

You are rewarded for your success.

If you’re searching for a profession that pays well and you’re naturally competitive, a career in recruitment is worth pursuing.

It’s certainly not all about the money, but at the end of the day, a recruiter gets paid to make people’s lives better. There are very few professions that offer the same financial rewards for having such a meaningful impact on someone’s life.

If you work hard to get results, you get rewarded – that’s the basics of recruitment. This means that as a recruiter your pay has no limits if you continue to perform well.  Unlike other jobs, you don’t have to work for years to secure a small pay rise as recruiters mostly have control over their own fate. If you’re being active with placing more candidates into roles, then you’re more likely to be financially rewarded for the work you do.

Incredible Networks

Recruitment might be an independent job, but the network you build from the people you meet will last forever. From your co-workers to the talent you recruit, to the clients you work with, you will constantly be building and enhancing meaningful and long-lasting relationships.

Enjoy the Freedom

Every day you get to arrive at work and do something completely different than you did the day before. New clients and candidates appear daily, so you are never doing the same tasks repeatedly.

Don’t like jobs where you are being micromanaged, or are relying on others for success? Recruitment grants you the autonomy to manage your own business within a business. You determine which candidates you want to reach out to and how, you decide who to place where, and you create your daily to-do list.

Recruitment is a job that offers a lot of opportunities for individual growth and opportunity. Being a Recruiter means being a detective, a problem-solver, a salesperson, a negotiator, a marketer, and just about anything else you can think of. This variety can often be challenging, but it also helps keep the job exciting and continually changing.

For a lot of fields, years of study and multiple certifications may be required just to land an entry-level role. Recruitment, however, imposes no such barriers – all you need is training on the basics, acute attention to detail, strong communication skills and a strong desire to succeed. Many recruitment agencies have people from a variety of backgrounds because the selection of staff is based on the skills and personality of the person; not on what certificate they have from university.

Do you possess the following skills?

  • Commercial awareness
  • Strong presentation skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Impeccable communication skills
  • Strong negotiation and sales skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Proficient IT and numeracy skills

If so, a career as a recruiter may be perfect for you.

If you are interested in a career in recruitment email chrisr@rerecruitment.com to arrange an informal conversation.







*Health and Social Care

**Cheltenham (Head Office)






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